Livestream Trading Disclaimer
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PLEASE NOTE: provides information for educational purposes only. Our services are not meant to be a recommendation to buy and/or sell securities. Livestream Trading (Including its owners, operators, employees, and members) are NOT registered broker/dealers nor investment advisers. (Including its owners, operators, employees, and members) are not qualified to give you financial advice. Investing and trading in financial securities carries a high degree of risk. You should do your own due diligence in any investments you make, and you should never trade on our recommendations or opinions without doing your own due diligence. This website is for educational, informational, and entertainment purposes only. You should contact your financial adviser before taking part in any trading or investing activities. You should never invest in a stock mentioned within our service unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. We reserve the right to buy and sell shares of any company mentioned on this website at any time.
We will not be liable to any person or entity for the accuracy, completeness, reliability, quality, or timeliness of the information provided on this website, or for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive damages that may arise out of the use of information we provide to any person or entity (including, but not limited to, lost profits, loss of opportunities, trading losses, and damages that may result from any inaccuracy or incompleteness of this information).
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Our watchlists (videos or text), educational videos, chat room messages, live desktop stream, social media posts, and any/all other services are for informational purposes only. Neither the information presented, nor any statement or opinion, is guaranteed or warranted by us to be accurate and should not be taken as a complete statement or summary of the available data. is not responsible for errors or omissions. Livestream Trading may have a position (buying or selling stock) in the securities mentioned and may buy or sell such positions without notice. Any and all opinions and data expressed are subject to change without notice. You understand and agree that the content and services included or obtained on this site MAY NOT be accurate, it is presented "as is" and we hold no warranties of any kind on information we share or post on the LiveStream Trading website or elsewhere.
TESTIMONIALS DISCLAIMER: In compliance with 16 CFR 255 and Federal Trade Commission Guidelines on the use of endorsements and testimonials in the marketing and advertising of websites, "” hereby declares any and all relationships between those parties providing testimonials or endorsements regarding the site or any products sold on it as follows:
Any and all endorsements published on “” website were voluntarily provided by the persons indicated in the specific testimonial or endorsement. The testimonials are not paid, nor were they provided with free products or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success of any other individuals. Our Company cannot and does not guarantee any results of individuals or couples utilizing the products or material provided by our company, or from any of the websites we link, or refer to. The testimonials and endorsements found on the site for the benefit of the site or individual products are, to the best of our knowledge, the true statements and beliefs of the individuals providing them. The testimonials presented on “” website are applicable to the individuals depicted only and may not be representative of the experience of others.
EARNINGS AND PERFORMANCE STATEMENTS: Any income or earnings statements are estimates of income potential only, and there is no assurance that your earnings will match the figures we present. Your reliance on the figures we present is at your own risk. Any income or earnings depicted are NOT to be interpreted as common, typical, expected, or normal for the average student. This particular result may be exceptional, and many variables that may impact results, so makes no guarantees as to your income or earnings of any kind, at any time.
Where specific income figures or trading results are used, and attributed to an individual or business, those persons or businesses may have earned that amount. But, there is no assurance that your earnings or income will match those figures, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon our examples or figures, you do so at your own risk, and you accept all risk associated with your reliance.
Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings made on our web sites or in our materials or information are not to be considered as average earnings. Testimonials are not representative. There can be no assurances that any prior successes, or past results, as to income earnings, can be used as an indication of your future success or results.
Monetary and income results are based on many factors. Therefore we do not guarantee or imply that you will win any incentives or prizes that may be offered, that you will make any income or earnings, that you will do well, or that you will make any money at all. If you rely upon our examples or figures, you do so at your own risk, and you accept all risk associated with your reliance.
Financial trading businesses and earnings derived there from, have unknown risks involved, and are not suitable for everyone. Making decisions based on any information presented in our programs, products, services or on our website, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience significant losses, or make no money at all. Only 100% risk capital should be used.
All products and services of our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.
Users of our programs, products, services and website are advised to do their own due diligence when it comes to making business decisions and all information, programs, products and services that have been provided should be independently verified by your own qualified professionals. Our information, programs, products and services should be carefully considered and evaluated before reaching a business decision, or whether to rely on them. All disclosures and disclaimers made herein, on our web sites or in any materials provided to you apply equally to any offers, prizes or incentives that may be made by our company.
You agree that our company is not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented by our company, or our company programs, products and/or services.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not control and are not responsible for what users post, share, or transmit on our website. LiveStream Trading is not responsible for the conduct of any user, and you should never make financial decisions based on a user's opinion or recommendation.
In other words, you agree to use this website and its content entirely at your own risk, and by using the site you agree that LiveStream Trading (Including its owners, operators, employees, and members) hold absolutely no responsibility or liability for any and all losses or damages of any kind whatsoever to you or any third party.
Last updated: 01-01-2025